Monday, February 28, 2011

Hexagon TUTE

This is an "In Progress"'s been in progress for a loooong time!  LOL

I made the mistake of trying to add the hexies in rows.  I think it would've been
 much better if I had done flowers and put them together... oh well...

now the TUTE....

I really like these plastic hexies for doing
this Flower Garden pattern.  You can find
I have used quilter's plastic by drawing a hexagon and cutting it
for my pattern.  I've used paper and posterboard for the
hexagon pattern too.  These Quilt Patis are BY FAR my
favorite choice....
they are sturdy.....yet flexible enough to
pop out easily "told" to. 
The hole in the middle is GREAT
to stick a chop stick into for the pop-out

 ^ I like to draw the placement of the hex
and then cut out about 5/8" outside of the line

^ Glue Stick??....
you say.....WHAT on earth for??
 the plastic slips a bit while trying to make
 the corners CRISP
^ here I've pinned the corner just to show you.....
that......CRISP corners......make
the hexies fit together better...
just ask me how I know.....
^ sewn with black thread so that
you can see stitching. It's better NOT to sew
to close to the raw edge.....'cause it's harder to
do the "plastic-pop-out" thing.  BUT...sewing
too-too close to the plastic edge isn't good either....
plastic pops out when IT WANTS to. 

 ^ once you have several fabric coated hexies
connect by whip-stitching the flat sides

^  When.....I have to face a "Y" seam such as
the one pictured above.....I start at the middle point and
work to left.....then....middle point to the right.
This keeps my "fudging" more evenly spread out....
you KNOW what "fudging" is?....right? .....
nope it's not cooking up that Yummy chocolate STUFF..

 "brushing" meee mistakes under the "rug"

"mystery"....hidden flower...can you see.....?
its JUST PEACHY....don't you think?
just .....don't ask......
she'd probably DIS-agree...


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Amity Publications published this in 1987. I love your little pincushion - gee I had one like that years ago - wonder where it is? My kids loved to play with the "dolls".

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, duh - and I am a follower. I like the plastic hexies instead of the cardstock.

Sparky said...

OK< cool is that...pretty cool if you ask these would not scare me sew silly..

Mama Spark said...

NICE! I did some hexies a LONGGGGGG time ago now. I hand stitched them and we drew around the template but then used a running stitch to sew on the line. I really liked doing it that way. Very easy and no whip stitching! The intersections matched up cuz you had lines on both sides to guide you. I have yet to see anyone on the web do it that way. I think your pattern was sometime in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

That looks like the 80's to me! I love your tutorial - thanks so much. I really like the idea of the glue stick....maybe I CAN do these hexagons after all! I am already a follower; I really enjoy your blog.
Jacque in SC

Patty said...

Looks like we all agree--1980's. I have the plastic hex things. Just have never used them. Now that I know hiw, I will. Thanks. Love your pincushion,

Patty said...

Oh yes, I am already a follower.

Millie said...

How cool is that and thanks for a great tutorial. So mauch easier than my first English paper pieced hexie quilt.

RitaMarie said...

Yes, I was going to say the 80's as well.
Hexies are everywhere. Your tute makes them look easier than I thought they would be. Like the plastic template idea.
Have a great day.

dluvscoke said...

I would guess the 1980's, because it looks familiar to me...meaning I think I saw it at your house in Oregon. That would've been the late 80's, I think.

Kat said...

Thanks for the tutorial! I will be out of town for a few weeks this summer, without my sewing machine (gasp!). I am hoping to make some hexagons since they seem like a nice portable project. I will definitely use some of your tips!