I've joined the ranks of the
Stash Reporters...
I had to do something. I'm getting way oudda hand with mee
fabric purchases.
So, here goes!

I bought 12 fat quarters (got 3 free) = 3.75 yards
I've cut and am sewing on my luv-bug quilt = 6 yards
So...howz UR stash coming this week?
o...PS...that lady in the picture looks NOTHING like me!
yeah...I only, wish....I looked that good! =P
You are too funny - I thought a stash report was so you used what you already had, not to buy more! I work with scraps so much I have to treat myself to new fabrics every now and then - you have to freshen the pallette. Plus, it is so nice to sew on some of the newer lines - like butter.
My stash changes on a weekly basis and would be very hard to keep track of. I'm not too good at keeping track of anything so keeping track of fabric is the least of my worries!!!LOL
I couldn't possibly go public with an accounting, they'd lock me up.
I'm afraid there are not numbers large enough to count my stash. I'd have to use all the fingers and toes of everyone in my family, my guild and those of their family members.
Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com
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