What do you think a MOM would get paid if she
were to get a paycheck? It may be MORE than you might think...
Let's make a list of a few of the BAH-zillion job titles she might carry...
Let's make a list of a few of the BAH-zillion job titles she might carry...
"all in a days work"

Cook and Nutrionalist Nurse

Chauffeur Daycare Teacher

A Tutor (several subjects) Housekeeper

Seamstress Psychologist

Landscaper Bookkeeper
Based on a survey of over 6,500 mothers thru Salary dot com
it was determined that the time mothers spend performing 10 typical job functions would equate to an annual salary of $115,432
for a stay-at-home mom.
Does this amount a surprise to you?
If you would like to take a survey thru the Mom Salary Wizard,
you could create your own personal paycheck. I tried it based upon approximate
hours/jobs that I remember when I was raising our brood of 5. It was fun!
There are also some very informative links thru the Mom Salary Wizard... for Moms who might
be look for jobs as their children are in school full time...of if children have left the nest.
Women are qualified for a lot more jobs than they might think, even without a "papered"
education. As moms, a woman can become quite good at running a household that can translate
very will into the world's work force.
Instead of "Stay At Home Mom"...what if we were to call her a
What are YOUR thoughts on MOM's Salary?
Are there jobs that I forgot to put down on the list above?
What skills do you feel YOU learned raising children and running a household...
that might help you to get a job outside the home? -- even if you might not seek
a job other than "household engineer"
to honor
There is something for everyone in Debbie Mumm's newest quilt book.
This is a typical Debbie Mumm book...great pictures!....great instructions, easy
colorful directions...would be easy for beginners to understand...
Hey...and a cute pattern for the Owl pincushion pictured on the front cover.
Wanna Win* this cool book?
k, all ya have ta do is leave a comment
and share your thoughts!
o...and WHERE'S the chocolates? I know, it could be a fate
worse than death...having to wait for chocolate...
*please...need to be a follower...to win =)
Here in the UK we celebrated Mothers Day in March!!
I still miss my Mum so much
Happy Mothers Day! Cool book for your giveaway.
Well - when the kids were home. 1. Baseball and Softball coach (actually coached middle school as well as Little League - volunteer) 2. Soccer Coach 3. taught hand gun and bow/arrow (scout camp) 4. art teacher 5. party organizer (lot's of B'days) 6. farm manager or zoo keeper - lots of pets (some strange) 7. vet - doctored most of those pets 8. diaper service (I used clothe diapers) 9. Electricain, plumer, engineer - single mom so did it all. 10. ambulance squad - boy we ran to the hospital with a LOT of emergencies
I think I've done just about all of these jobs at one time or another.
Right now I seem to be doing the Psychologist job the most as my daughter graduates high school and prepares for college.
I think that chauffeur was the most time-consuming. Sports, meetings, friends, prom (try to get six teens-3 of which had full length frilly dresses into a large car.)I was so glad when they turned sixteen, I bought them an old beater and they were on their own. Only one had an accident (knock on wood) and it wasn't serious.
Happy Mother's Day!
I don't think you actually could pay us moms enough to do a job we love so much:)
I have done all those things you talked about and one you didn't. I'm so grateful for my faith and the opportunity to pass that on to my children. It helps us remember what is really important in our lives.
Happy Mother's Day to you.
it is a nice concept.. but I don't think there is enough money to pay a mom.. I love my job, and wouldn't want another one. How much could they pay you NOT to do it?? No amount is enough, so I'm happy right here.
Oh my, there are so many things mom's do. But the job is priceless. No dollar amount. What I do each day matters for eternity.
And that book looks adorable!!
Here's hoping you have a simply marvelous Mother's Day!!
What about cleaner and scheduler? Thanks for the giveaway!
Chief Operting Officer of Family Operations a.k.a. COO FO
salary about $150k with perqs and benefits plus all the bonuses (chocolate?) they can eat or sew
Thanks for the recognition of the priceless value of mothers (I'm not one so no self-promotion)
I'm a SAHM and love it! Happy Mother's Day. mmm chocolate sounds like a good idea!
Happy Mothers Day Weekend. Don't forget babysetter(for grandkids), taxi driver, maid, short order cook, song leader, cheer leader.And parole officer ;~)
I always said that I was a "domestic engineer". lol We are multi-talented and multi-taskers and would get a hefty paycheck in the corporate world. It was nice meeting you Wed. at HMQS. Great show!
Happy Mother's day to all the mother out there and thanks for the giveaway!
Have a Happy Mother's Day! Take it easy and do something for yourself.
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