ok....this is our Zojirushi...it's a hot water dispenser. It's very convenient for
the "immediate" need of boiling hot water.
Why...ON EARTH...is this my blog post? And, what has this got to do with
honoring Mothers this week? Well...I'm gonna tell ya...
...in a minute or two...
First, think of a Mom as a Zojirushi... then, think of all the people she
cares for...stopping by regularly to fill their cups from her dispenser.
What happens if...the dispenser runs out of water?
or.....for whatever reason....
...becomes unplugged?
So, do you see where I'm going here? You might even have
guessed the direction I was going in from the beginning.
As mothers, we tend to feel guilty when we fill our own
dispenser. Yet it's vital to being the best dispenser we can be.
I spent many hours looking for advice and ideas on what are good things
for moms to do to to revitalize themselves. The list is as long and as varied as
there are moms in the world. So, instead of making this blog post long with
a huge list of things to do...for YOU...I will just say...
Take a few minutes this MOTHER's DAY...get out a writing instrument,
and write down in a special location (where you will see it regularly)...
a list
a list of things that you could do to fill your dispenser.
Maybe it is a pedicure, manicure, massage, buying a pattern or fabric...
Maybe it is going for a drive, having lunch or sew day with a friend...
A quiet time for an hour or so to read, write, sew..
Whatever it is for YOU...put it on the list. It doesn't have to be a big
thing..just that it is something just for you! Do something on your list...
I know...it might be hard...but, try
...try to do something once a week.
This week...my goal was to do something for
Moms and in doing so...I did something to fill my
dispenser...I met some new people who share some of the
same interests!
Thank YOU to all of you who have "visited me" this week and made my
Mother's Day Week better than ever!
So...for all of those that have stopped by this week...(including those who will visit
thru this evening)... ALL of your names* will go into the random. org drawing for...

PS...this was a fun link I found..the "mom cave" visit this great blog...click HERE
PSS...I will celebrate and list all of the MOM'S week winners Sunday evening..
*please..a follower..=)
I loved the mom cave site. I already have my own room but it is not exactly decorated. This gave me incentive to clean up and put up some gorgeous prints and quilts on my wall. Happy Mother's Day to you too.
Thank you so much Annie for all the effort you put into this week. Your posts were fun to read, thought provoking and a real uplift for the week:)
Thanks for the link. There are some interesting ideas there.
A list is a great idea! even though here in the UK we had Mothers Day in March!
Thanks for the idea
I just love that flower bow! I'd share that box of chocolates though. It has been a fun week and thank you for sharing with all of us. My 'cave' is my house as I am alone, but I pulled many of my pretty baskets to keep my works in progress - more inviting to inspire work as well as decorate the house.
Happy Mothers' Day to you and to all the mothers in web-land! My mother and I live together so I have a daughter cave (my room) and she has a mama cave (Mama's Garden - which is the entire 5 acre yard). We retreat there to have alone time. Thanks for the lovely week of celebrating mothers.
I hope you have a wonderful mother's day, Annie!!
I have a "Mom Cave" where I spend quality time with my sewing machine, computer, and all things crafty. Every woman, Mom or not, needs one!! Thanks for a fun week, and have a wonderful Mom's day.
I have a Mom Cave! I have already planned to blog about it later this month as part of our May for ME celebration.
Happy Mothers Day!
Thanks for this post! I really enjoyed it! love you mom!
Thank you for the Mom's Cave link! I enjoyed reading it. I hope you have a happy mother's day, Annie. Mine will be quiet, but that's okay, too. Godiva chocolates? I guess I must live under a rock, but I've never in my life had a Godiva chocolate. Okay, shoot me now! LOL
I hope your Mother's Day is fantastic!! So far mine is. Those chocolates look devine :)
Mom Cave, interesting concept. Happy Mother's Day to you. Hope it was a great one.
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