Hawaiian Quilting
was a
mystery to me... until,
I did a weee bit or research.
Have YOU ever wondered about
those beautiful, unique quilts...those works of art
made by the Hawaiians? Maybe it's
been a bit of mystery to you?
was a
mystery to me... until,
I did a weee bit or research.
Have YOU ever wondered about
those beautiful, unique quilts...those works of art
made by the Hawaiians? Maybe it's
been a bit of mystery to you?
I found most of the following info on these
Around 1820 Hawaiian women learned
quilting from missionaries.
1870...according to a book by
Isabella Bird...is when traditional
Hawaiian Quilting began. Cotton had become
more readily available as more and more
Western visitors came.

Photo from Bailey House Museum in Wailuku, Maui

Photo from Bailey House Museum in Wailuku, Maui
Many of the designs are/were inspired by
Hawaiian flowers, plants and vegetables.

This design inspired by the
Naupaka flower
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This design inspired by the
Naupaka flower
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Quilts were given individual names as
unique as the designs and designers themselves.
~ ~ ~
Many of the older quilts have survived thru
many years because they were used only
on special occasions and passed down thru
many generations.
Deborah "Kepola" Umiamaka Kakalia,
who died March 19, 2002 at 87,
taught herself how to quilt in the Hawaiian style
and created many of her own designs.
Her bed quilts could fetch $6000.
Visit a website with more info about
her and her beautiful quilt designs
click HERE
For an extensive list of books about Hawaiian Quilts
click HERE.
~Hawaiian Quilts are unique~
Four methods of constructing and designing a quilt,
when combined, make the Hawaiian quilting
process unique. (1) These include the use of whole pieces
of fabric for the applique and background; (2) the
"snowflake" method of cutting the design all at
one time; (3) the use of usually only two colors
of fabric; (4) and the echo, or outline style of quilting
which follows the contour of the applied design throughout
the entire quilt.
~ ~ ~
The techniques of making along with
each unique design of
Hawaiian Quilts were/are considered very precious.
Not all that long ago, techniques were not openly
taught. In years gone by, many quilts were only shown
to family members so that designs would not be
shared openly. To copy a person's Hawaiian
applique is equal to stealing some one's copyrighted
artwork designs.

So...what do YOU think about Hawaiian Quilting?
It seems to me that lots of time and patience would be
key to completing one of these
Would YOU like to WIN*...
(in your color choice)?
Well, if you would...here's the "deal"...
1) send an email to rubyslipperz106@hotmail.com
with ONE thing that makes Hawaiian quilts unique
Important...Put Mystery Monday in your subject.
2) I would LUV for you to leave a comment about your
thoughts on Hawaiian Quilts.
(please, don't leave your answer to #1)
*must be a follower to win
drawing will be Wednesday June 22nd, midnight MT.
drawing will be Wednesday June 22nd, midnight MT.
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Okay it's time to ....CELEBRATE!!
Mystery Monday Winner - June 6th
She has a fun blog and you can visit her
Quilter's Cookbook Winner - June 7th
...has a blog too with some fun ideas
her place is ...HERE
Mystery Monday Winner - June 20th
If you click HERE you'll find some great
info and fun projects on her blog.
Hawaiian quilts are lovely but look very intimidating! My daughter is Princess Kaiuluni's great great granddaughter. She and I want to go to Hawaii so badly someday to see the palace that her greatgrandma spent time in. Her grandmother grew up in extreme poverty. They had 17 girls...and then adopted a boy. They even ran out of names. Amy's grandma is named Theresa, but has a sister named Teresa.
All the family tries to keep the heritage by giving their children Hawaiian middle names. Amy's is Kapua. (blossom).
The quilts are beautiful and the heritage is beautiful.
And now that I've written a book as my comment I'll be quiet. :0)
I took an online quilt on Hawaiian quilting last summer. I failed - well, I never finished it. It will probably remain one of the UFO's forever. I think I tried to get too detailed for a first time.
I've only done a tiny bit of applique so far. I think a Hawaiian quilt is beyond my talents at this point. They sure are pretty.
They are beautiful but way beyond me at this point.
Although I really appreciate the beauty of Hawaiian quilts, I'm not that crazy about them. Maybe it's becuz of all the really hard work that it takes to make one!
I have a hard enough time piecing the traditional quilting shapes together. I certainly couldn't do the applique that is involved with the Hawaiian quilts. Talk about intricate work!!! Definitely not for me.
Annie, thank you so much for that lovely post...I have always loved Hawaiian Applique quilts and would love to try one someday. I love applique but I am sure it would be quite challenging. I love the photo of Deborah working on her gorgeous quilt.
Blessings Michelle
These quilts are extremely challenging. I shudder when think that one mis-cut can ruin the entire applique piece.
That said, some of the individual techniques are great in regular quilts. I used the concentric echo form of Hawaiian hand quilting on a quilt, and it really does work well. It is time consuming, yet enjoyable to do.
These quilts are absolutely amazingly gorgeous!! They scream of the Islands... The fact that they can get so much detail with a two color quilt is fantastic. I could thumb through books on these all evening. True works of art! I doubt that I will ever achieve that kind of talent, but I would love it if I could!! :)
How amazing is that red quilt on the four poster bed. I don't think I've ever seen a Hawaiian style that big before.
You made me go looking into Hawaiian quilting sites. I too would be intimidated to try, but oh my they are just beautiful. Thank you for an interesting look into another form of quilting.
These are such beautiful quilts! I love looking at them!!
Here is a link to the book I purchased for my "someday" Hawaiian quilt. http://www.amazon.com/Hawaiian-Quilting-Instructions-Full-Size-Needlework/dp/048625948X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308664267&sr=8-1
I LOVE Hawaiian quilts...considered doing one eons ago...today there would be no way.
I will just ENJOY DROOLING over them and the beautiful workmanship!
I was in Hawaii in January and happened to be at Queen Emma's Summer Palace when the quilters were there. I went to watch them work on their quilts and it was so fun. The teacher of the class told me I should try making one and use the foliage in PA as my inspiration. Someday...
It took me so long to finish one applique wall hanging that it would probably take me 10 years to finish one of those Hawaiian quilts.
I do need to start a new travel project though.... Maybe I could try my hand at a small version.
I love the look of Hawaiian Quilts and would someday hope to try one!
Thanks :)
The quilts are very stunning! thanks for such a great post.
I love the Hawaiian quilts - each so beautiful and unique. Thanks for this fun giveaway and for sharing links for more information.
I love the Hawaiian quilts. A friend of mine is always appliquing one or quilting one. Just beautiful. I have tried one block so far and hope to make more.
Hawaiian quilts are beautiful, but I don't think I'll ever make one. Thanks for the giveaway and for sharing the info about the Hawaiian quilt.
Hawaiian quilts are beautiful but I don't think I'd have the patience to make one.
I think they are gorgeous. I love the shadow quilting. And the colors. I don't think I've ever seen one I didn't like.
I love that even with the limited colours the intricacies of the designs seem to speak more than many quilts with far more fabrics...
I admire Hawaiian quilts greatly. I doubt I would ever attempt one myself, although I've learned one should never say "never." I didn't know about the designs being kept secret in days gone by.
I first learned about Hawaiian Quilts a couple of years ago. They are absolutely beautiful. I don't believe I have the skills to make a full quilt but may do a snowflake and make a hanging. They are so beautiful
I've always thought that Hawaiian quilting took the paper cut applique
blocks popular in Baltimore Album and Red and Green applique quilts to the highest possible level. They are simply gorgeous.
I just became a follower-its always fun to find new blogs to read.
They are incredibly beautiful, but I'm not sure I could do one.
I went to Hawaii more than 25 years ago before my husband came along and swept me off my feet. Wish I could still fit in the muumuu I bought while there. I think Hawaiian fabrics are beautiful.
The Hawaiian quilts are beautiful. Not something that a beginner (me) would want to tackle.
I'm loving the restricted color palette. I may not be able to do a hawaiian quilt but i think i may limit my colors and try some applique on my next one!
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