Monday, June 27, 2011

Giveaway-fabric...5 fat quarters...

Fat Quarter....Giveaway?  really? O...that must mean...
Mystery Monday!

We're getting close to Independence Day for
the "good ol' US of A", I'm thinkin' a wee bit
political today...hope you don't mind?  =)

Quilters have participated in politics in the United States since
 the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620.  But...
 since women couldn't vote until 19_____, at first their participation
was in the form of "advice" and support for their husbands.

Not satisfied with quietly sitting in the background,
quilters created quilt blocks and quilts to express
their political opinions.
Quilt blocks like 54-40 or Fight,

Tippecanoe and Tyler Too

 are two examples
of quilt blocks created to support political candidates.

Political Quilt Block - The Little Giant

The Little Giant,” a quilt block with many pieces,
refers to Stephen Douglas, (1813-1861), a noted orator and debater,
 who was Lincoln’s political opponent in the 1860
 presidential election. The block's name recalls Douglas’
nickname, a reference to his diminutive stature.

“Whig Rose,” (“Democratic Rose”), and “Whig’s Defeat,”
are two very large appliqué blocks connected to the
 campaign of 1844 when Henry Clay, the Whig party’s
 Presidential candidate, was defeated by Democrat
 James K. Polk (1845-49). In 1845,
the beautiful and intricate “Whig Rose” block design
 was hijacked by some quilters who called it “Democratic Rose,”
according to their own political leanings. This is surely
 a good example of women voting with their needles!

There are many other quilt designs with political
both before and after women gained the right
to VOTE...
  Just click HERE to read more.

I'm thinking that you would like to
WIN?... the FIVE FAT QUARTERS? your choice of colors..yep, yep, yep!
Iffin' ya do...then, you'll need to "solve"  a wee

Can you tell me WHAT YEAR did women obtain voting rights?

As usual..
 1)  PLEASE email your

2)  please, leave me a comment saying:
that you are a follower..
what would YOU like to say
 through your quilts?

Drawing will be Wednesday June 29th (midnight MT)


sadly, I have contacted last week's winner - twice
...and have not had a response. 
 I will try once more and if, still no reply,
I will "draw" again.


Mommarock said...

I am a follower, I would like my quilts to say.. Made with LOVE!

Gail said...

I will not give the answer away here, could not connect to the link.

Wonderful quilt history...makes those patterns look different now, to me.

Sallie said...

I'm a follower. Love your mystery Mondays! I want my quilts to say, "You are loved!" Thanks for the giveaway!

Sandy said...

I'm a follower. I would love for my quilts to say "buy this kit" as I do most of my quilts as samples for my local quilt shop.=) Thanks for the opportunity to win!

suemac said...

You certainly had a busy weekend coming up with all this good stuff. Very interesting. I also would like my quilts to say "Made with Love".

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I am a follower and I guess I just want my quilts to say "Here was a woman who loved to work with fabrics."

Lisa England said...

I am a follower. I want my quilts to say "This is something special made just for you."

Linda said...

I am a follower. I would like to say, "Quilting is FUN! Forget the "rules" and enjoy it!"

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Great post for the holiday. My quilts kind of jump around in style and color and pattern - so I guess they say - express yourself.

Sasha said...

I'm a follower! I'd like to think my quilts say "I love you so much I thought i'd take the time to make this quilt as a sign of it."

Annmarie said...

I am a follower. When I make a quilt I try to let it speak to the future owner - something special just for them. I make alot of charity quilts so those are usually colorful & bright - CHEERFUL is the message there.

Anonymous said...

I like my quilts to say "you were liked enough that I made you one, lol" Mystery answer sent!

Rebecca Merry said...

I just became a follower! LOVE the blog!!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I'm a follower and I'd like my quilts to express my love of quilting, creativity, and my love for the receiving party.

corina said...

I am a follower. I want my quilts to say to the person who gets them "made with you in mind"

Anonymous said...


robin said...

I emailed you my answer on women's voting rights. I'm a follower on Google Reader (your follower widget is not showing up for me on your blog). I'd like my quilts to say "I care for you!"

Sarah Craig said...

Of course I'm a follower! And I want all my quilts to say, "Here's a great big HUG from me!"

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm a follower, and I'd like for my quilts to say "She might not quilt good, but she's getting better! She's got determination!"

Kim Reid said...

I am following and I would want my quilts to say I love to create!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm a follower. Sorry the person is out of town or MIA. Hope they answer soon. I hope people look at my quilts and think "she enjoyed making quilts"

Janet said...

I am a follower. I would like my quilts to celebrate the beauty of our natural world and to speak out for keeping our world a beautiful place.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I am a regular follower of your wonderful and fun blog.
What I want my quilts to say depends on who it's going to. Sometimes love, sometimes, warmth, sometimes happiness and sometimes all 3!

Fiona said...

I am a follower... how wonderful to be able to make a political statement through a quilt block... I think I would like to say "Peace" - I'm so tired of wars...

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a follower and I like to say through my quilts, you are cherished and beloved.

Joanna said...

I'm a follower. I don't know what I say through my quilts. I like to sew, love fabric and think what I make as gifts pleases people, so I am fulfilled on some level which is why I continue to quilt.

Deb said...

I am a follower. I hope my quilts say that while this person may have taken "the road less traveled" with her quilts, "it has made all the difference!" Mostly, I want them to feel the joy I feel when I create the quilt.

Deb from

Siobhan said...

Thanks again for another great giveaway. Mystery question answered and delivered. I would like my quilts to I love making and creating them so when people look at them and well, that's enough for me

krisgray said...

I am a happy follower! I hope my quilts tell the story of creativity and love of color.

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway - I am a follower and emailed the answer to you. My quilts are not political - the person / child who receives them will feel the caring that went into making that quilt just for them.
If last week's winner was me, I didn't receive an email! LOL
Thanks for your time in writing this blog. I'm enjoying your DD's quilting adventure posts.

Kira said...

I just hope my quilts stay together. Each quilt I finish does tell about the person it is made for. The quality of the quilt, I think, tells about me.

Michele T said...

I am a follwer! Yay!!

Michele T said...

I want my quilts to say that a lot of love and thought was put into every stitch!!

Becky said...

I am a follower:) I'd like my quilts to express that "life is good." Another great topic!

Linda Crosby said...

I am a follower and I just want the person to know that I put love and care in my quilts and that each one is special ..thanks for the chance to win...lindacrosby(at)hotmail(dot)com