This really IS a unique book....
with quilting tips/patterns, embroidery patterns..
and...YEP! It's a cookbook too!
with quilting tips/patterns, embroidery patterns..
and...YEP! It's a cookbook too!

Debbie Martinez
She has two super cute blogs!
~~Okay...two blogs? You weren't happy with just one?
Debbie - I started about 4 or 5 years ago when I started reading blogs. My first blog was "Tie your apron strings". And, then, I decided I needed another can just never be too busy! I have made some really fun friends online as well as learned a ton from other bloggers...from recipes to quilting ideas to decorating hints
~~The designs on your blogs are SO cheery and, SO cute...where did you get all the ideas?
Debbie - I contacted the "Blog Fairy" to get my blog designs...and, I have used several of the free ones too. I'm always tinkering with my blogs and learning new things to do with it. Next, I want to learn to build my own website...we'll see how that goes.
~~Quilting? ...when did you start?
Debbie - I've been quilting for about 15 years and I love it!
~~What is your favorite thing about quilting?
Debbie - Shopping for fabric! I have way more fabric than I've made quilts
~~ummm, I think I can relate to THAT one!
~~Embroidery? how did this come into your life?
Debbie - I've stitched forever too. But, I'm not too good at finishing. (shhh..) It's mostly my husband that does the stitching. I draw the pictures and he stitches. You can't even tell the backs from the fronts! really ticks me off!
~~Do you have an art background or education?
Debbie - I painted for years and taught classes for painting and also have a painting book.
~~ Tell us a bit about your cookbook...What makes your cookbook different/unique?
Debbie - It's more than just a cookbook. It's a quilting book too! And, if you think about it...quilting and cooking just go together! When we get together to quilt...we are usually eating and exchanging recipes...all at the same time. So, when I decided to do a cookbook, I wanted to include quilting too! Also, I am not a "fan" of hard (difficult)...none of the recipes or patterns in the book are hard.
~~How did you start putting it all together? I mean how did you organize everything to put it in the book?
Debbie - I called a company that makes cookbooks and they sent me a whole box of things for ideas. They have several formats that can be followed. You type in your recipes on their website and they print them for the book.
~~What about the cover design? Did you create...draw that?
Debbie -'s an applique pattern in the book...I sent a picture of the pattern to the book company and she put it on the background...
~~So...did the company just mail you a lot of your books...all put together...ready to sell?
Debbie - No, huh-uh. All all the recipe pages are inside. But, the dividers are all in the back of the book... Any patterns...I printed myself and punched all of the holes and inserted them into the book in the proper places. Photo pages are all done by me too. We gather family members together and do a "cookbook
assembly party".
Debbie - I called a company that makes cookbooks and they sent me a whole box of things for ideas. They have several formats that can be followed. You type in your recipes on their website and they print them for the book.
~~What about the cover design? Did you create...draw that?
Debbie -'s an applique pattern in the book...I sent a picture of the pattern to the book company and she put it on the background...
~~So...did the company just mail you a lot of your books...all put together...ready to sell?
Debbie - No, huh-uh. All all the recipe pages are inside. But, the dividers are all in the back of the book... Any patterns...I printed myself and punched all of the holes and inserted them into the book in the proper places. Photo pages are all done by me too. We gather family members together and do a "cookbook
assembly party".
Aren't these the cutest Gingerbread people?
These patterns are all in Debbie's book!
There are some really fun recipes...and each tab has a
quilt pattern..too!
There are over (way over) 500 "helpful hints"..including:
How to make your own spiced teas or cider.
When baking bread, how to keep crust from getting hard.
And, how to dress up your vegetables!
There is also a recipe with instructions on how to remove old
spot stains and brighten the colors in your quilts...
~~Ok, now I kinda wanna do a few fun questions. Are you ready?
Debbie - O....kaaaaay...what kind of questions?
~~If you were a butterfly on a wall...where would you be?...and, who would be in the room with you?
Debbie - O....kaaaaay...what kind of questions?
~~If you were a butterfly on a wall...where would you be?...and, who would be in the room with you?
Debbie - It would be on a wall of a home on a southern plantation in Georgia. I'm sure someone interesting
would be in the room. But, I really wouldn't care. I think in a previous life...that I might have lived on a
southern plantation.
~~Now,...iimagine a magic lamp...and, a Genie appears right out of the lamp to tell you that you have 3 wishes...the wishes have to be just for you...what would the wishes be?
Debbie - I would wish for a quilt shop...and it would have an never ending supply. It would have everything available to fulfill all my quilting needs. Right next door would be a culinary school for cooking. There would be unending classes with unending supplies. And...last, but, not least...on the other side of my quilt shop...would be my Southern Plantation, two comfy chairs in front of the fireplace - just for my Stitching Husband and me...for us to relax in.
~~Now,...iimagine a magic lamp...and, a Genie appears right out of the lamp to tell you that you have 3 wishes...the wishes have to be just for you...what would the wishes be?
Debbie - I would wish for a quilt shop...and it would have an never ending supply. It would have everything available to fulfill all my quilting needs. Right next door would be a culinary school for cooking. There would be unending classes with unending supplies. And...last, but, not least...on the other side of my quilt shop...would be my Southern Plantation, two comfy chairs in front of the fireplace - just for my Stitching Husband and me...for us to relax in.
There is so much info packed into this
Quilter's Cookbook!
YOU wanna win this book....right? Sure ya do!
To WIN* is what to do:
1/chance ---> Visit one or both of Debbie's blogs, then, come back here
and leave me a comment about Debbie's blog.
3 additional chances ---> write about this giveaway on your blog
and, include a link to the giveaway).
Important -please,
leave an additional comment that you did this.
Winner chosen by
Friday midnight the 10th
Winner chosen by
Friday midnight the 10th
*to win you must be a follower...
The first blog has a 'vintage' feel to it. The corndog casserole on the 2nd blog looks interesting. Her cookbook looks nice.
Debbie's blog is definitely upbeat and an easy read with short postings. Thanks for the interview! When does the giveaway end?
I have reading As Busy As Can Be for a while and it is always so cheery looking. I have finally gone to read the Tie Your Apron Strings and love that blog too. My friends were talking about strawberry jam and when I checked, she had a recipe for freezer jam. What luck!
I love the design of both of her blogs. The corn dog casserole looks like something kids would enjoy! Thanks for sharing!
I blogged about the giveaway at
I could go for that banana chocolate chip tea bread.
I'm a follower of Debbie's blog Busy as Can Be for a while and I love getting her newsletters with some patterns. I think I'd like to try to make the apple cinnamon bread...
and yes! I'd LOVE to win that book!!!
I just recently found Debbie's fun blogs and they are now a place I have to stop and visit daily... she also has wonderful links posted. I just ordered Debbie's Cookbook and can't wait for it to arrive. Thank you for the great Giveaway. I'll be following your blog!
I have been a subscriber to Busy as can Bee for quite a while. Love her blog. I went and read her other blog and realized I hAVE READ that ONE TOO. I would be thrilled if I win the cook and craft book. Thanks
Two of my favourite things in one book - quilting and cooking! I've now added both of Debbie's blogs to my blog list.
I included your giveaway in my blog today:
I have followed "Busy" for some time, and now I have enjoyed "Apron Strings" too! Love that strawberry jam recipe! Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacque in SC
Short and to the point posts are all I can handle in the mornings, Debbie's are winners!
Oh my, I think both of her blogs are charming and lovely, as is yours. Love her recipes and dishtowels.
You can tell she is a very creative person from visiting her blogs. I want to find out how to do the tabs at the top for different subjects! I have tried and failed miserably on my own blog. Very cute blog.
The root beer float cookies look scrumptious:) Thanks for sharing her blogs with us.
As Busy As Can Bee is a delightful blog - caught my attention with the tag line. I left comment on the blog about "may your needles always be sharp".
Thanks for the giveaway. My mother can cook and we can both use the quilt/sew tips.
I looked at one of Debbie's blogs due to time constraints. I am going back and look at the other one and also look at her recipes.
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