"O, what a beautiful morning. O, what a beautiful day!
I've got a wonderful feeling...everything's goin my way!"
Do any of you recognize these words? Do you know
Who sang them and from what movie?

This is one of my favorite songs. It always cheers me up...
if I sing it (not that I can sing..really)...or, if I hear it somewhere..
I used to "sing" it in the mornings when I would go into
my kids rooms to wake them up.
I really love the songs from the old musicals... like
"Happy Talk" from...

Another couple of songs are
"Getting to Know You" and "Whistle a Happy Tune" from...

and... how about
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or "A Spoonful of Sugar"?
from....Mary Poppins...
These songs are soo fun...can bring a smile to a childs face...
just like that!
I've picked all older musicals...and there are many more
songs from musicals that I really love too. But, time, space
and my fear of totally boring you...keeps my list to just a few.
IT'S YOUR TURN... to sing!
What are YOUR some of your favorite songs that CHEER you up...?
Wonderful songs that put a smile on your face and
brighten you mood?
brighten you mood?
(the first picture of the first song/musical is Oklahoma)
Share your favorites...it will be fun for all of us!
I love the old musicals. They are all so enjoyable and lively. I really loved the music from Sound of Music. Doe A Deer and So Long Fairwell, plus Edelweiss were some of my favorites.
Okay.....thanks, now all I can think of is the songs you already mentioned.....they are all stuck in my head and not allowing another song in except OOOOOOklahoma where the winds comes sweepin' down the plain :D
Skippity doo da, Skippity a...my oh...my what a wonderful day. Nothin but sunshine comin my way...skippity doo da, skippy a. Mr Sunshine on my shoulder.....blah, blah, blay....I think this is Song of the South and I probably am like most people and have most of the words wrong...but you know what I mean :)
I love Do Re Mi and My Favorite Things from The Sound Of Music!
How about 'Mame' - lovely musical with great costumes
I love the songs from My Fair Lady. Also the Sound of Music. In fact, I like lots of those older musicals!
Oh little playmate, come out and play with me and bring your dollies three, climb up my apple tree Hollar down my rain barrel slide down my celler door and we'll be jolly friends for ever more!!!
yep, I was born old.
I think mine is, "I love you baby, and if it's quite alright I need you baby..." I sang it to my babies when they were little, and now they are 9 and 6, and they will come up to me and have me sing it with them!!!!
You forgot to mention--I think it was Gordan McCray who sang "Oklahoma"/played Curly! I love all the old musicals. They were the music I would put on as I was growing up to clean house by!! Hard to be grumpy about cleaning when you are listening to a musical. In addition to the ones you mentioned, I love West Side Story. New one? I love Mama Mia!!
Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com
GiGi has to be my favorite musical, but Oklahoma, Cats, and My Fair Lady are right up there two.
oh my gosh... I live for the old musicals LOL... I have to say either Let's Go Fly a Kite from Mary Poppins or Meet Me in St. Louis from Meet Me in St. Louis LOL
I love Truly Scrumptious!
And June is Bustin Out All Over!
Climb Every Mountain from The Sound of Music, You're The One That I Want from Grease. In Your Sunday Clothes from Hello Dolly!
Oh my goodness, I have so many songs going through my head!!
My favorite movies though were My Fair Lady and the King and I. :)
I love the old musicals!
"Oklahoma" is one of my favorites as is "Fiddler on the Roof". They are enjoyable like a visit from an old friend:)
I am smiling as I picture you going into your kids rooms singing in the morning. :)
My kids use to be annoyed by me waking them up to "Rise and Shine" in the perkiest voice I could muster up.
Another musical with fun songs is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Mary Poppins.... "I love to laugh..ha ha ha...Loud and long and clear...and the more the glee...hee hee hee..the more I'm a merrier me!!!
and I loved ...Feed the Birds..tupence a bag...
Sond of Music...The hills are alive with the sound of music...
Doe a deer a female deer...
Fun post...
Enjoyed looking over your blog
I am with Hope. I love "The Hills are Alive" or even more "These are a Few of my Favorite Things". That song makes me break out into a dance!
Any song from the Sound of Music makes me smile
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