Do djoo VANT do plaaay?
(in my best transylvanian dialect)
Meeez-dree MAHNday? goes!
In the following poem...maybe there are "quilty" Ghosts in this lady's
sewing room? or...Maybe not?
Where do all my pins disappear to?
I've picked up all the ones off the floor.
But, when I put them back into their box,
It looked as though there ought to be more.
What became of the needle I had in my hand
When I picked up the spool to thread it?
It seems to have vanished into thin air,
But that explanation I can't credit.
How does my thimble disappear
From the basket where it was laid?
I haven't heard it rolling 'round on the floor
As it did when the cats with it played.
What did I do with that fabric I need
That I had just an hour ago?
I put it away, but in what place?
It's somewhere that it doesn't show.
The magazine with the pattern I liked
Was right on the top of that pile.
I guess it's sunk, but how far down
In such a little while?
I know that book went back on its shelf
And should be with books of its kind.
But I just can't find it, thought I've looked five times.
Can it be that I'm going blind?
It's a very good thing that my sewing machine
Is something that's too big to hide.
Not being able to find something as big as that
Would really humble my pride!
I don't know why things I know that I had
Disappear when I put them away.
I find it annoying but I very much fear
It's a problem that's here to stay.
by...Jacquie Scuitto aka The Muse
*note - this poem was found here
... be a follower... and
count how many things that the lady of the poem can't find -
Please, email your answers to with Mystery Monday in the subject.
Leave a comment about how you (...or someone you know)
loses THEIR sewing/quilting "toys"
~ ~ Game will end Saturday November 5th midnight MT ~ ~
~~ ~~ * * * ~~ ~~

Jack and Battie are dancing around...happy to announce
the WINNER for last week's Mystery Monday
(still waiting for a reply from my email)
(still waiting for a reply from my email)
I thought it was just me! I bought some rulers to share and put them in a special place so I wouldn't forget them. I can't remember where that special place is. :((
I just seem to have to turn around and suddenly things vanish--maybe it is a ghost.
I always seem to lose the quilting pattern I am working on :-( I've got at least two quilts in the works, that I can't find the pattern for. It's here somewhere, BUT where??? Sigh.............
I need you to email today if you still want to be a secret santa. I don't have your information and need it by this evening. Thanks.
Wow - that is my list of 'head scratchers' and losts, too. The most important 'loss' is a pattern that is something that NEEDS doing right away - of course!
My scissors always disappear! Although, they turn up days later in children's room where they were just "borrowing" them!
My rulers get lost under piles of scraps. Thanks for the giveaway!
I just resent the email. I did not get the other one and I checked the spam folder and trash folder twice.. :O( Hopefully, this time it will come back to me.
Here is an alternate email...try to send it to that one as well
Hopefully we will make the connection!!
Love your Mystery Mondays. And I always thought it was the pixies!!
I see a pattern in a magazine and think I'll remember where I saw it. Then I end up paging through 40 magazines before I find the one I'm looking for!
I misplace things all the time - pins are always somewhere else, lost needles scare me, paper clips used on hexies - does my chair eat them?, and forget keeping track of my glasses (my mother finds them for me).... I sent my email with the answers. And, I follow your blog.
Dawn...I know just what you mean! thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. I tried to reply...but, did you know that you are a "non-repy" blogger? =(
alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thanks for the fun today - sent my email to you. I lose my glasses, my pins are always somewhere else, get scared when lose a needle anywehre, and those paper clips I use for hexies are eaten by my chair - why don't they fall through to the floor? Don't get me started on the quilting things that my mother loses! Last night she did find the thread spool - guess it fell from it's hiding place in her bed and woke both of us up from a sound sleep.
I had bought a new rotary cutter (my old one was lost and was never found). Then I couldn't find the new rotary cutter. Searched and searched for weeks. Then went and bought another one. Finally found my first newly bought one about a week later.
I am always losing my scissors. It doesn't matter how many I have I still can't find the ones I want.
I am forever looking for things in my sewing room. I lost a pair of quilting gloves last year. They are in there somewhere but heaven knows where. And they aren't a small item!!
Yesterday I lost my very very sharp sewing scissors and went in to panic mode. I resorted to asking my 4-year old if he saw them and he told me they were on top of the refrigerator! Whew! When I got to the top of the refrigerator it was HIS safety scissors that were there. I later found my scissors up high where I had put them above my computer desk.
Love the poem. One of my dogs loves to jump on the top of my sewing table and make things "disappear".
Very funny and true. We looked today for a bag that had only been in the house 2 minutes before we lost it.
I lose my toys because I can never put anything back where it belongs!
I know my pin count has deminished but I'll be darn if I know where they've gone. Oh well, good excuse to out and buy more. Thanks for another fun Mystery Monday. Cute poem.
I'm always losing patterns & misplacing fabric. But I'm working on organizing my stash of fabric so I can find what I'm looking for. :)
Where did that ruler go that I just cut that last piece of fabric with? Ok found the ruler now where is the rotary cutter it has to be here someplace. Scissors, can never have too many of those. Then there is Ely Mae & Jethro who love to take fabric off my table and leave it ALL OVER the house. So when there is an assembly line of pieces at the machine, they need to be covered with a piece of paper, and then heavy things placed on top, otherwise you will be recutting some pieces later when you realize they went missing.
I loose seam rippers all the time.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Not sewing but today as I was checking out at the grocery store I realized I didn't have my cell phone. I remember picking it up 3 times at home to put in my purse! Guess where it was, not in the store, not in the car, not even downstairs where I said goodbye to my husband before I left for the store. No, it was still sitting next to the computer, where I picked it up those 3 times and then I guess I set it back down! AAAGH!!!!!!
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