I was watching Dr Oz this week and he had Paul McKenna as guest on
the show. After watching the segment, I went to Amazon and purchased
the book. Within a few hours I finished reading it. If you believe that...

your mind has a LOT to do with what goes on with your body, this is a
great book for you. In my opinion, Mr McKenna has some really good
ideas for helping a person to lose weight. (helping me to lose weight).
One of the first things that is written in bold italic is -
Diets are the enemy of weight loss!
He writes,
"There are three main patterns I have observed that keep
people from living happily at their desired weight."
1) Obsessive Dieting - depriving ourselves of food doesn't work
2) Emotional Eating - are we really hungry? or just wanting to
change the way we feel?
3) Faulty Programming - the subconscious mind could have pre-set
ideas that cause us to eat more than
we should and/or foods that are unhealthy
You can purchase a "hypnosis" CD along with the Book. The
CD works in conjunction with the book to help accelerate the benefits
of Paul McKenna's method. I feel that the book is strong on its own
You can gain a different perspective on how we see food and why we
really eat. The method teaches how we can visualize ourselves in a
more positive way so that we want to eat less and more healthy.
What do YOU think? Can our minds matter with regards to
losing weight?
Crunchy Zucchini and Tomato

4 -(1 slice zucchini/1slice tomato)
15 minute prep time
1 medium zucchini, trimmed and cut lengthwise into 4 slices
1 large tomato, cut into 4 slices
1/4 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning, crushed
1/3 cup panko
1/4 cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese
1 clove garlic, minced
---Preheat broiler. Coat both sides of zucchini slices with non-stick cooking spray.
Sprinkle zucchini and tomato slices with Italian seasoning and 1/4 teaspoon
black pepper. Place zucchini slices on the unheated rack of a broiler pan. Broil 4
to 5 inches from heat about 8 minutes or until crisp/tender, turning once halfway
through broiling
---Meanwhile, combine bread crumbs, cheese, and garlic. Place tomato slices on
pan next to zucchini. Sprinkle vegetable slices with crumb mixture. Broil for 1
to 2 minutes more or until topping is golden.
~~ Ruby's Report ~~
Treadmill - 6 days...I did 4 days @ 2 miles. I still need to make it 6 days/6 miles.
Some days I've had a hard time getting on the treadmill in early
enough to make it to a morning appt out of the house. =( Need to
drag meeeself oudda bed sooner!!
Some days I've had a hard time getting on the treadmill in early
enough to make it to a morning appt out of the house. =( Need to
drag meeeself oudda bed sooner!!
Healthy Eating - I did better this week than I have for the past several weeks.
I've made effort to eat more protein and less strach/carbs. I added
a bit more fruit and vegetables. I'm still working to get more water
in this old body. I'm using large cup/straw @ 2 per day.
Weight (loss?) - yipee skippy...down 1 pound. But, now the trick is to NOT
go up next week! Maybe I need to keep my ....lips crossed?
go up next week! Maybe I need to keep my ....lips crossed?
So...what have YOU been up to...?

It's ok...I hear that peanuts are good for you. =P
How are YOU doing with YOUR "healthy" goals? Did you make
any discoveries with regards to eating and exercise? Let us
know...so that we can pat YOU on the back =) or give
Well done on your loss this week Annie. That Crunchy Zucchini and Tomato looks yummy. Will have to try that out on the family!
Thanks for the tip on the book. I'll have to check it out. It's always good to hear new ideas.
Congratulations! One pound is nothing to dismiss. I on the other hand, stayed the same. That's okay, at least I didn't gain. I did exercise at Curves 4 times this week, but I didn't do too well on my water intake. I'll have to work on that next week. Thanks for the inspiration.
All my life, I've heard, "Mind over matter," so why not mind over fat? =) The recipe looks absolutely scrumptious! I'll check for zucchini on my next grocery trip.
You are so right to consider your state of mind. I have become much more relaxed about what I eat but I still try to count how much I eat. I lost another couple of points this last week. Did a bit of walking and some yoga and I still have my glass of water when I get up.
Congratulations on your loss. I wouldn't worry too much about the water as long as you are not drinking something full of calories instead. If I count my herb tea and my sparkling mineral water I get plenty to drink. The sparkling mineral water has nothing bad in it. That is only softdrinks.
Yahoo you!!! One pound is one pound less than last week, and if you lost a pound a week, you'd be 52 pounds less after a year. It just seems like slow going, especially when we watch things like The Biggest Loser and see folks disappointed if they only lose 6 pounds one week. Yes, the mind definitely controls eating mentality, I believe. I think we can be smart about our food choices, but need to take time to listen to ourselves, much like we'd listen to a best friend. If you are an emotional eater, find out what triggers the draw to consuming extra food, and then mentally prepare yourself to stop that in it's tracks when you catch yourself emotionally eating. Easier said than done, but necessary!
Here's a really tasty, simple recipe, and healthy for Roasted Cauliflower:
Wash and then cut one head of cauliflower into floweretts. In a bowl, mix well with olive oil (I never measure, but probably 1-2 teaspoons). Spread cauliflower out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and roast at 250 degrees for one hour. Turn flowerettes upside-down after 45 minutes. Enjoy!
The best thing about this recipe is that the roasting produces the absolute sweetest taste, something I was shocked to discover because I have never tasted that sweetness when I boiled them.
Sorry for my rambling. Have a great week!
I am down 24 pounds since 1/1/12. I am eating non-starch vegetables, including unlimited salads, and protein. My understanding is that we should be drinking a minimum of 64 oz of water per day up to 100 oz. I drink about 84 oz. I don't eat any fruit or drink anything with sugar or sugar substitute. I also skip anythng with caffeine. I think understanding your relationship with food is really important to any weight management plan. Congrats on losing weight last week, and best wishes for even more lose this week.
I really believe in those principles. I can't say I always follow them but I think they sound right on. Thank you for the book review. I have more diet books than I'd like to admit but this one sounds like something much better and broader. I'll have to check it out.
We're just coming back from a weekend away where we ate and drank whatever we wanted. I'm looking forward to being healthier next week.
Crunchy Zucchini and Tomato your are making my mouth water.
Hi! Here in Australia there is a free proram that started end of January. "One Million Kilos Challenge" There is an exercise video each week, a menu plan and recipes for each week. Weigh in every Monday- (nobody gets to see your stats)
Well I am not using their menu plan as my Hubs would not eat a lot of the seeds/nuts.etc, although some of the dinners sound yummy and I will try them out. But I have no intention of making 2 different meals, so we have adopted a healthy eating plan NOT a diet, just a change of lifestyle and still room for the occasional treat when there is a celebration of any kind. I am drinking more water ( having 2 snacks per day usually fruit or nonfat yoghurt- I did not eat between meals before but apparently this is good as it keeps the metabolism firing) also plenty of vegetables, wholegrain bread.
Can't do a lot of the exercises so go on a long, brisk walk early each morning. Had to eat out twice this week but chose the right food, and even had a couple of wines on Valentines day and still managed a loss of 1kg for the week (that is 2.2 pounds) :D
This is the end of week three and so far I have lost 4.6 kilos just over 10 lbs. I plan to stay on this healthier eating long term and the word diet does not exist, I am just being kinder to my body!
Congrats on your losing a pound- if you think that isn't much, well pick up a pound of butter, and that is what has "fallen" from your body- that is great!!! Sandy.
P.S I saw a great sign recently " Sweat is just fat crying" LOL.
Fabric...French toast
Iron...Ice Cream
Embroidery stuff...Eggplant
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