It's a Mystery to me...what type or kind of project(s) would be
FUN travel projects. Do you keep a WIP in your purse?..or in your car?
If a private this CUTE private investigator

...was hired to go through your

(she's carrying a big one I wonder what could be in there?)
(she's carrying a big one I wonder what could be in there?)

...your CAR
with a "fine toothed comb"...would there be
ANY or MANY sewing/crafty WIPs? Would there be
ANY sewing/crafty tools?...or something else of crafty interest?
To enter to WIN the 5 fat quarters
in YOUR color choice...
please leave a comment listing what items might be found.
Funny and or creative items are welcome!
Funny and or creative items are welcome!
(**must be a follower to win)
----entries close Saturday March 31st, midnight MT---

I sincerely want to thank all of you who stopped by
to enter the BabyGO giveaway! It put a big smile in my heart
to read all your wonderful comments!
It's sooo hard to only give one Baby GO away..
to read all your wonderful comments!
It's sooo hard to only give one Baby GO away..
It would've been a weighty decision for me, if I had to choose...
I'm so glad that I was able to turn to theeee great and powerful
... Random Generator and let "IT" decide!
Sorry, I don't know how to get the generator to show
up on my blog and I forgot to take a picture =(
Drumroll please....
comment # 26....Grammasheri
(I've sent you an email)
In my purse I keep a small scissor and a tape measure. Not sure why the scissor is there since I do not keep a project in my purse. Rather I keep a separate makeup pouch that contains a hand applique project. When I go on long car rides (as the passenger) I take this pouch along in my purse. Thanks for a chance.
Mine is not funny or creative - just true. In my car, I sadly have a tiny pair of Fiskars scissors that I ACCIDENTALLY stole from my parent's house at Christmas. I am so mortified that I haven't done anything about them (haven't touched them , moved them OR confessed to my parents). These are the same scissors that have been in the very same cardboard box divider in the very same drawer for at least twenty years and now - YIKES - they are in my car. I will grow a backbone and admit my misdeed soon - maybe at Easter when all is forgiven - hey...that sounds like a good plan!!
Congratulations to the winner!
I always have a little project in my purse - most of the time it is a cross stitched project which is small and easy to fit in a ziplock bag.
CONGRATS Grammasheri! She is a graet gal!!
I have to say I LIVE out of my car! LOL Oh, I cannot even mention some of the things (a bra) you might find in ther (kids shoes) some of them might make you blush (a mic stand) oh, well! I have things when I need them! hehe
I always have handwork, currently, hexies to playwith, a book, and I found I need a bottle opener, after this last trip. (You never know when you need one) There is a seam ripper, thimble, and needles as backup. Always a camera.( you never know what you will see) Thanks for the opportunity to play.
I take stitchery, applique, or quilting with me no matter where I go. My dear husband likes to arrive EARLY, everywhere. I have learned that I will be happier if I take a project.
And yes I bought a bit larger of a purse to accomidate projects and a book.
Congrats to Grammasheri! I always carry a notebook so I can make notes and doodles. I just bought a wool felt kit thinking it would be a great project to carry with me.
The only thing in my van that comes close to a sewing project is a bag of material I got at a yard sale no needle or thread to sew with.
I'm supposed to finish?....
Yes, a little hand quilting project or a cross stitch project goes with me on most travels. Thank you for sharing!
I carry a quilting journal in my purse. I make lists of material or patterns I would like. I also list any items I am running low on. If I happen to visit a quilt shop I can have my notebook as reference to see what I need or better what I want. It works great.
I only have two colourful, rubber thimbles in my purse. I purchased them and haven't taken them out of my purse yet. I have nothing else except for a bookmark letting me know where and when the next quilt show will be. I usually just carry a small pocket book to read on the subway and my small sketch book to draw and make notes in. There is a credit card in there that comes in handy whenever I happen to be in a quilt or fabric store.
I don't have any projects in my purse or car. Usually, if I take a project to some event, it's knitting, and I have a special bag for it. My purse is small, but I do keep a screwdriver, tape measure and pen flashlight in it.
I'd find a baggie with thread, needles, scissors, a thimble and band-aids. Thanks for the giveaway!
In my car I keep a little bag with an ongoing crochet project in it. That way when I am sitting in the pickup line at my kids school or the doctors office or where ever I have a little something to work on.
I broke my arm recently, so I dramatically downsized my purse to just necessities. However, I hardly ever leave the house without a packed totebag with a little appliqué or emboidery project. It's always good to be prepared
I always carry a tape measure in my purse & one of those miniature sewing kits for small repairs. If I get up the gumption to do handsewing I might carry a small project with me if I know I'll be sitting & waiting. Thanks for the chance to win.
Lets my car you would find 2 crocheting projects I'm currently working on, along with some fabric I haven't had the chance to bring in purse, now we won't even go there cuz I"m not even sure what's in it! LOL!
Thanks for the chance to win! YOU ARE AWESOME!
Congratulations to Grammasheri - how cool! I don't carry projects in purse or car. I keep a mini first-aid kit in my purse which does have a couple safety pins, needle/thread and buttons in it.
Congratulations to Grammasheri - how cool! I don't carry projects in purse or car. I keep a mini first-aid kit in my purse which does have a couple safety pins, needle/thread and buttons in it.
The only thing quilty I carry in my mini purse is my discount cards-LOL. congrats to the prior winner!
I cant work in the car, I get carsick. I would take a huge tote to work in the motel room I guess.
Woo Woo congratulations to Grammasheri.
I don't carry sewing things in my purse, but sometimes I carry an exgtra bag with hexie's.
There are scissors and who knows what else in my purse but I always take an extra bag with me and at present it has four stitchery projects and a book in it. If I am going somewhere more than an hour away, well,lets just say I am prepared. I drive an suv and my quilting and I are joined at the hip...hehehe
I don't usually carry any craft projects in my purse. I have carried knitting before, but I'm not usually going any place that I have time to sew or knit. I do always have a tape measure, though. You just never know when you need it :-)
a small note book would be a good idea.....but one think you can find in my bag would be a set of chop sticks ....I pick them up when we eat chinse out and they have them withyour meal.They make great point turners. I have had up to 3 sets before I remembered to take them out .. ; )
In stitches
Oh my gosh! It's like you were watching me! I stashed 3 half yards of fabric in my center console this morning! But, sadly, that's the only crafty thing in my purse or car today! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats to the winner.!
No project in my purse or car,but in my car there are books,two or three,sweets.
Thanks for the chance!
Currently carrying around a sampler, complete with floss, needles and scissors.
I never take WIP's with me. I'm more likely to take a book or magazine, preferably a quilting magazine!
Yeah, I carry projects and the tools to go with them. Almost always a pair of scissors and at least one needle. Fabric scraps in case I see a fabric store so I can match what I have. Ribbon, yarn, embroidery floss, sequins. One time I found a compass and protractor buried in there, Not sure why I had those.
Congrats to Grammasheri!!!
I have scraps of fabrics I want to match for a project in my small purse along with coupons for my LQS.
Thanks for the chance.
congrats to the winner,and i usually have a craft mag in my bag,love reading about projects,dreaming one day that i will make them,lol.xx
Most the time I don't carry handwork and sewing stuff with me. Instead, permanently in the car are sharp pencils with excellent erasers, and not as sharp pencils in my purse ... and pieces of paper. I sketch out quilty things on these -- or on the newspaper. Right now my sketches are for a quilting motif of a 2 inch x 42 inch sashing strip. Thanks for the giveaway. I follow your blog.
Oh dear, there's nothing in my purse that has anything to do with sewing...but there's a ton of other's annoyingly heavy!
I used to like to crochet in the car...little projects. I've tried embroidery, but it's more difficult to get that exact...such a fine line. =) I also get car sick, so can't really do much unless it's a straight shot.
Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
Mouse trap
Half-eaten sandwich (thus the need for a mouse trap)
Loose change
Wrinkled up coupons for JoAnn
Fabric swatches
I keep sewing, arts and crafts magazines in my car. As for my purse, the only thing related you might find are JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby or Michael's coupons. The rest of my purse is at risk though. I once shopped at Jo Ann's and then went to lunch at Golden Corral. My eyes were bigger than my stomach and I had half a chicken breast that I couldn't finish. I couldn't bare to see it go to waste, so I carefully wrapped it in a napkin and promptly stuffed it in my purse when no one was looking. I intended to bring it home to the kitties where, 15 fur balls could fight over it. My short term memory gets the best of me and I find it still in my purse 8 days later! lol
Congratulations grammasheri! Let me know where you live so I can just pop on over and use it some time. I will bring you tons of fabric and maybe chicken too! LOL
Oh my goodness!! That first picture is cracking me up, Annie!! So funny.
I have 7 or 8 WIP tote bags that are filled with various projects and patterns. I try to grab one when I know I'm going to be waiting somewhere or away from home for longer than usual. I think they are all yarn crafts of some kind. I know there are a couple totes with amigurumi supplies and a couple with half finished socks.
the Dog is so cute!
what items in the car or the bag...piecing for a lap quilt or crochet blocks for a child's afghan. :)
Have a great week!
God bless and keep you,
In my purse, that adorable private eye would find some folding scissor, a tape measure and a small sewing kit. And if he searched my van, he would very likely find some quilting magazines or books, and very often, a portable project--- some applique, or embroidery... Thank you for the chance to win! I always look forward to your fun giveaways each week! :-)
I honestly have no WIP's in my purse or car. I would worry they'd get messed up and if I'm going somewhere, I don't really think I'll have time to work on a project. I keep my stuff at home where they are safe! I'm pretty forgetful too, so I'd be afraid of leaving something somewhere.
Only a book to be found. One for me and a million for my kids who are packing them everywhere. Although, I do keep jelly beans in the car. Just in case.
When we take a day trip on the weekends I like to take some hand quilting project or hand embroidery along, sometimes the guys will go into a pawn shop or sporting goods store and it gives me something to do while I wait.
You might or might not find some "projects" in my purse - a hexie to be sewn together, or a little bit of embroidery or cross stitch. What you would definitely find though are little bits of fabric and thread. At least I always find some whenever I empty out my purse.
Hmmmm I do believe that the closest your sleuth will come to finding crafting items in my handbag or car are maybe a couple of 'requirements' lists for patterns I want to make, otherwise, surprisingly enough, nothing else is in either of tote bags and the house would make a whole new case for the sleuth!
Congrats to the winner! I'm working on a GFG quilt, so I have a little sewing bag that contains all the hexies and sewing material in my purse. thanks! :)
Thank you all for the lovely congratulations! And Needlewings, if you're headed toward southern AZ, let me know and I'll let you test drive the Go!Baby. :D I'm so happy that Mr. R. Generator chose my number, and that Annie hosted such a wonderful giveaway. Thank you, Annie!
In the boot of my car at the moment is a box holding a quilt that I started in 1998, forgot about and rediscovered on Friday. I will get it out of the boot and start to sew it together eventually. I also have a number of projects in project wallets stashed around so that I am never far away from something to sew. Small felt projects for children are the ones that would appear the most often.
Although if that particular investigator was to go through my purse or car then he would likely find the chocolate and biscuits that I keep stashed so that I don't have to get up when I feel the need for something sweet!
In my purse I carry a tape measure and always have the current Joanns coupons. That's it as far as crafty items go! Thank you! Dawn @
This is a fun question :-).
My first thought as: nothing. But I have an envelop in the glove compartment of my car with little pieces of fabric that need some more colors/designs added etc. in case I see a quiltshop 'unexpected' LOL. I've bought too many fabric that wasn't right when I got home :-).
And in my purse I always have a roll up tape measure. Not just for fabrics, but it's handy too in 2nd hand shops, markets etc. I'm bad in estimating the size of something.
So, a few crafty items after all .
Thank you for a chance to win fabrics, a quilter never has too many LOL.
I seldom have a project in my purse. I'm just not that organized. I do have drawings of blocks all over the place. I have a bad habit of drawing quilts or blocks whenever I sit still for very long.
I think knitting is the perfect travel project.... I leave my sewing at home! In my purse you might find a fabric marker or two, some selvedges looking for matching thread, and definitely a couple of knitting needles and stitch markers. And a lot of kleenexes and candy wrappers, but that's more a purse thing than a crafting thing!
I don't generally keep a project in the car..since we often change which car/truck we drive....
However, I have a couple bags ready and stored in our front hall closet so I can just grab one to take when we go out. ONe bag contains a cross stitch pattern I am working on. THe other has some of the pieces from a star quilt I am handpiecing. Each bag contains scissors, threads, needles, etc.
I have decided that I do want to make a nice looking needlecase and something else to carry it in. My purse is too small to carry any needlework.
I have a project bag that I take with me for things I have to do by hand, or if I need to clip threads on embroidery designs, or ripit-ripit-ripit!
It's not the projects in my purse or car that are the clues to my fabric obsessions...but the dockets and receipts from all my purchases. Some are in small amounts (perhaps a new reel of my favourite red or orange Gutermann thread) BUT some are a little more substantial (Thread + 2 fat quarters + some wadding + an irresistible pattern + + +) I do round up all the receipts occasionally and pop them in a drawer in the sewing room - but I'm afraid to add them up!
Hugs,Kathy (Sew-Happy House)
I actually have a bag of crochet stuff in the car right now :O I have a bag full of yarn, and a project started - so they'd see my ambitious mess! I do have scissors in my purse usually, but nothing sewing related in my car at the moment.
Thanks for the chance!
I seldom go anywhere without my hat bag. I have a plactic bag that holds yarn, one or two crochet hooks and always, an unfinished hat. I donate them and they keep my hands busy so I feel OK about sitting in meetings, track meets, ball games, TV and other away from my machine times.
Congrats to Grammasheri! I guess I'm the oddball, I don't carry a purse. I only sew in my sewing room or living room (whether by machine or hand). Yes I have many WIP, I do a block of the month at a LQS and a few others at this time. ;-> Toni Anne
Oo depends what I'm working on, this week it's a crochet blanket I've started... last week was a cross stitch piece and the week before was hexies for a hexie quilt...
lets see, you'll find a bunch of patchwork and thread but no needles. or the next day, there will be thread and needles but no scissors. and then you'll find 3 pairs of scissors but no thread. you get the idea! that is why my handwork project goes so slow.
I don't have a travel project as such, since I'm usually driving myself if I go anywhere! But I do plan to get together a packet of hexies one of these days, just in case.
Always a tape measure in my purse ... & of course a camera on my cell phone for taking pictures of beautiful quilts, totebags, fabrics, etc. Thanks for the chance!
I keep a tape measure, hexagons for English paper piecing, scissors, thread needles, fabric squares and chocolate along with my Nook in my purse when traveling. :-) Thanks for the giveaway.
I also always keep a tape measure in my purse. I'm never without a notebook and mechanical pencil either, for sketching out design ideas.
Perhaps your sleuth could clean up my purse when he is done poking around in there...
I don't carry a project with me, but I take along things to make my current or future projects easier: swatches I want to match/coordinate with, xeroxed copies of patterns so I'll have dimensions and fabric requirements, lists of fabric I'm looking for & projects I'm planning to make, as well as a notebook for jotting down ideas, and often a rolled up magazine to help pass the time by looking at inspiring quilts.
I do take projects with me when I'm on the road ot to the doctor's, dmv etc. I don't keep one project just for that, I just usually take what I feel like working on. My projects that I take are either my embroidery, hand piecing blocks or my hexies, english paper piecing. I'm slowly buying enough tools that I can have them in each project bag so I don't have to remember, fret or run around looking for my bag of tools. I have needles, thread or floss, thimble, small scissors, nail clippers (for when I fly I just remove the scissors) and small pincushion.
Thank you for your giveaway and a chance to win.
Oh dear have you been talking to my nephew?- "Aunt Bobbie why is there so much stuff in your car?" Well- because I teach a craft class at your house on mondays, and teach your mommy and abby to quilt on mondays and teach grandma on fridays- I also have photo props in the car at any given time- I just noticed while trying to wrestle a wheelchair into the trunk to take Sistermine to the Sewing Expo that my around the world blocks are in the trunk along withthat quilt book I was looking for! I also have the precuts for Mom's quilt class tonight! - In my purse I have my Cutter Bees Scissors and a little tape measure. I did have to clean out my car to take to the Expo but there's still quilty stuff in there!
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