Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm washin' wool...

Do you ever picture wool? this?

Maybe you picture it more
like this... or


But, maybe you've not pictured it like...

These are fleeces freshly shorn off the sheep...

I LUV wool like this...a "clean" fresh shorn and skirted
fleece smells AWEsome....well, to me, anyway.

I LUV to open up the bag, lay the fleece out on a
clean surface and just lay in it.  I feel close to the sheep
that it came from =0).    Ok, that probably sounds really
crazy to some of you.  But, then, if you know me, you know
I'm not exactly "normal".  =P

If you would like to read more about washing wool...
click HERE to visit I Play With Fiber (my other blog)

What wools do you have in YOUR life???


Linda said...

I think I would love that too! I live in too hot an area for sheep and wool, so I don't really have a lot around me. I would love to get "into" wool applique, but haven't had time yet. I love the brightly colored dyed wool.

suemac said...

You are a very tactile person. That is great. Nothing wrong with that.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Sounds like fun~ love the colors when it is dyed. :-) Have a happy day!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

My girls raised lambs for 4H and one of my favorite things to do was handle the wool after the lambs had been clipped. Nothing like it :)

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - you have sheep - shear them - and then make something? I am learning about you all the time. sandie

KatieQ said...

It sounds heavenly to be able to roll around in the fleece. Unfortunately, I am very allergic to wool. I guess I'll have to confine my rolling around to masses of money like Scrooge McDuck. Thanks for the link about fleece washing. It's amazing, the older I get, the more I realize, I still have lots to learn.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who spins, so I've seen it like that, and I love the whole process, though I don't do any of it. Washing it surely makes the hands soft, though! Most of my wool is already spun and dyed when I acquire it, though. =)

Anonymous said...

very interesting Annie as i had not really thought about it.xx

Anonymous said...

very interesting Annie as i had not really thought about it.xx

Pokey said...

I like the felted wool projects I see out there, I just don't feel I can get into another expensive hobby...but, I did have baby lambs on my grandpa's farm, and to feel that wool with the lanolin still in it is kinda cool!