"See Spot Walk!"
(the title of a recent WW magazine article)
Recent research suggests that dog owners have lower blood
pressure and cholesterol levels. And, that walking a dog can
reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and even burn over 900
calories a week.

For more info about a dog-walking diet click HERE
The weight loss benefits seem
to come from the regular exercise.
It seems that many people hate to walk alone,
but taking a dog out
for a walk provides a great reason to stretch your legs. In
its report
Disease Control says, "Dog walking may support and motivate physical
activity by providing companionship and creating expectations in similar
ways to
human buddy systems. Walking the dog, in contrast to many other
forms of
physical activity, is relatively easy and convenient to do, because
it can
generally be done in one’s own neighborhood."

No dog? no problem! You can borrow a friend or neighbor's
dog...or check out your local animal shelter to do volunteer
dog/pet walking.

O...please?...I would LOVE to go on a walk with YOU!!
Morning Pizza

It's healthy, easy and fast...
Start with your favorite "crusty" bread
--spread with 3-4 tablespoons of low-fat ricotta
--add a few tomatoes (I prefer diced)
--drizzle a bit of olive oil (about 1 teaspoon)
--dash of onion powder,
--dash of salt and pepper.
---broiling is optional...but much yummier!
Ruby's Report
Treadmill - 2+ miles 6 days this week. Every day was at 4.0 incline. I walked
slower this week...
Food - I really cut down my amounts. I ate good foods and drank plenty of
liquids. But, portion size was way down.
Weight(loss?) - yep...down 2.1 pounds this week. I'm getting back closer to
my lowest of this year.

How did your week go with YOUR goals? What goals are
you setting for this coming week? Monday is the first day of
a NEW week...YOU CAN do it!!!
~~~please, leave a comment about one goal that you want
to set and SUCCEED for next Saturday's
"On My Weigh"
....there will be a giveaway for anyone who writes about
a specific goal this week and comes back next week...
to tell about their success!!!
**You must leave a comment this week (4.14) and next (4.21)
**Entries for drawing will close Monday 4.23.
You are doing very well! Congratulations on your weight loss. I love to work out- isn't it a great feeling afterwards?
I went down 2lbs. I had been up 3lbs, so, I'm still up 1lb. I've been cleaning house for a few days, since we're having the deacons over Sunday evening for supper, then hubby's 50th party in 2 weeks. Lots of carting stuff up and down the basement stairs. I haven't weighed since early this week. My goal is to get that other 1 lb off, and maybe more before next weekend.
My goal would be to go for a walk 5 times this week. I have been caught up in yardwork and have not been for a walk in two days. Congrats on your weight loss this week!
Congratulations on your weight loss this week. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for myself. I have been sick all week and could only push myself to exercise at Curves once. Next week my goal is to get to Curves at least 3 times and follow your example by trimming my portions.
Good for you!! Well, being sick all week and a diet of saltines and ginger ale - sure I dropped pounds, but that's not the way to do it. I added more water, water, water to my list - even had my SIL pick me up a case of bottled water and I put days on them with marker - now I have to drink them!
well done with your weight loss Annie,my goal this week is to get under 90kg,i have lost 5kg so far.xx
My goal this week is to get a quilt top finished and ready for quilting. I also need to piece the backing fabric but that shouldn't take too long. All the hand sewing is taking so long.
And if I am sewing I am not eating so that way I can lose weight too - see sewing is a great weight loss program.
Good for you, smaller portions is a good goal! My goal for the next week is to walk five days...I'm getting better but need to up the frequency. That and drink more water. Good luck!
Congratulations Annie...I have not been on the scale in over 2 weeks ...I'm afraid of what it will say. I know it is going up because my jeans are telling me so. I will get on the scale tomorrow morning and will post my weight loss progress on the side bar on my blog every Sunday. More water, smaller portions and I'm going to get back on the treadmill....I can do it!! You are my inspiration Annie!!
I really really love dogs and this makes me sad...I actually have considered the shelter...but most of the dogs are moved to the prisons so that isn't an option. (we have two prisons in our small town and both have dog programs.)
So...we just bought that miniature horse instead and I am walking him daily. Hows that?! :)
I'm just getting back into running. My goal this week would be to run 3 days. :)
Way to go Annie. I am glad someone is having a good week. I have been so hungry lately. I am just managing to maintain. My goal for next week is to eat a bit more protein and vegetables to chase away the hungry feelings.
See the lady with the big dog and little dog... that is me! HEHE! But my big dog is blakc and my little dog is white!
I see a goals at the bottom, I have just began to actually 'train' for a 5K. I did one on St. Patty's day and had not run since.... 199-somethingoranother!! So I am gettin out there, running and gonna see if I can't get a better 5k time for my next one (in two months!)
My goal is to get down to the river walk and do the 1,000 step at lease twice this week! And get on the bike (I have a staionary bike in my basement) at least twice!
Okay - I read your blog this morning and saw your Training Widget for dailymile. I checked it out, signed up, and have logged my first walk yesterday. So now I am going to use this as my Log. My goal for this week is to clock my minutes walked accurately and post them on this counter. I'm going to add the widget to my blog as well - you can find it a www.mountainquiltworks.blogspot.com.
Let's do this!
Congrats on your great progress, Annie! As an owner of a whole pack of dogs, I must agree that they are great for our overall health and well being. Unconditional love is the greatest thing in the world and dogs are sure good at dishing it out :).
I love the photo of the dane and doxie because we have danes and doxies!!
I'm new - but I am really liking your blog. I agree about dogs - we have little Disco and he brings such joy to everything. Now that morning pizza looks like a good idea - I think I would broil it. So you are on a diet??? You are doing good on your goals. My goal since seeing the doctor a week ago Monday is doing less sweets and just trying to eat healthier.
Annie I'm so happy for you. Way to go!!! You are so kind to continue to encourage the rest of us.
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