It's the first book that I've read on my iPhone. I was adamantly opposed to reading anything that wasn't an actual paper-pages, hold-in-your-hand book for quite a few years.

(You can probably see me wearing these?...and, them fitting on me quite nicely =P)
Well, reading a book on my phone was really quite nice. I adjusted the size of font and the brightness of the back light several times. I eventually found certain adjustments that felt to me just like a "real" book page. It was always with me, so that I could read a few pages on a moment's notice.
I really liked the book. It was fast easy reading and I didn't get bored. The story line was a bit along the lines of the fairytale Cinderella...which the title kind of eludes to. It's a futuristic fairly tale, though. There are "hovers" that move in the air, instead of cars on roads. But, there is a palace, kings, queens, etc as well as cyborgs (half machine/half human) and Lunars (human-like creatures that live on the Moon). And...Cinder is actually a Cyborg.
I felt the author writes in a way that is fun and descriptively realistic. If I were to rate the book for readers it would be PG and probably middle or high school readers up through adults. I would give it an overall rating of 3.5 stars. The sequel to Cinder is due out the first part of February 2013. It's called Scarlet.
I would love to hear any of your comments, if you've read this book, (good, bad or in between). Or if you are or have read some good books lately? I'm always looking to put books on my "to-read" list.
I haven't read the book , but it looked good. Can't believe you can see a book on the phone to read!!!
I just got a Kindle Fire HD for Christmas. I am now reading the last of the Hunger Games. That is also a tale about a possible future.
I just got a Kendal for Christmas. An old school Kendal,just black and white, no light,no games. I am reading the Oz series, all over again.
This book,Cinder, looks awsome! I am going to see if I can find it as a real book. The daughters might like it,too.
You still won't catch me reading on my phone, but I LOVE my kindle. The first five chapters of both these books are available for Kindle today, absolutely free! If you like it, then you can buy the rest, or check the library.
Will have to check it out.I need to get back to reading more.
I love reading on my Kindle Fire HD but I also love listening to audio books on my Kindle. Most of my books are downloaded from the library and I save a ton of $'s.
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