Monday, June 26, 2017

Sew30 SewFun June 2017 check-in and giveaway update

I didn't get much sewing time in since last Monday.  But, I have been spinning on my drop spindle, and doing some knitting too.  We have been visiting with family in the Tacoma/Seattle area of Washington State.  =)
This is a Turkish drop spindle hand made by Jeri Brock
(you can find her HERE)
Shamrocks hand carved =)
Some Grandies at a fun Mexican restaurant near
Seattle, Washington. 
This wee one is our youngest grandie, Arlo.
He sat at the "adult" table. lol
Since I've not been sewing his whole week...the dollars have been adding up in the Cyber-Jar.  OH!  MY!  =P.   I've decided to create TWO cyber-jars!!  =D -- Each will have at least $25!  At the end of June 2017, there will two giveaways with a minimum of $25 each.  =D.  I'm still traveling for a few who knows, there could be more!! 



Image result for i found this family all on my own


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