How didja all do this last week of June and for the month? I didn't do very good this month! =(. I was out of town for 10 days and that really put a gimp in my giddy-up =P

...and, yep, I was on a "SEE-food" diet! (ha ha)
But, I had a great time traveling to Washington State and hanging out with our kids and grandkids! =D. I was able to visit a few yarn shops and a quilt shop. I'll try to post more of those adventures in a later post.
This little critter is just theeeeeee cutest
(well, from grandma's point of view LOL).
This is our youngest grandie, Mr. "lar-lo"
... my nickname for him. =P
Please leave a comment about how you did this month on your projects. I will do a random drawing from all the comments for June's Challenge.
**The comments for June's challenge will close July 5th @midnight Mountain Time. I will post the winner by Friday July 7th =D.

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